Camp Organizers
Frequently asked questions
- How can I prove NERD is a 501c3? See our Determination Letter.
- Does NERD have Bylaws? The Bylaws are here. They are mostly very generic and could use some love.
- How does the PayPal/Bank Account setup work?
- Where should Sponsors send checks to? Use the name/address found in the Determination Letter.
- More important NERD organization documents can be found here.
Need more help?
Submit an invoice for payment (Coming soon...)
- Submit receipts for reimbursement (Coming soon...)
- Submit a document for signature
- Report a bug
- Other questions?
- Find us on Slack!
Other resources
- Review the NERD Event Organizer Agreement here.
- Through NERD's NGO relationships with corporate sponsors, free services can be provisioned where advantageous. Start a request here after reviewing the information below:
- GSuite: NERD can manage your domain and provision GSuite service under it.
- Jira: NERD can provision a Jira project and Service Desk for use by your team to run your camp.
- Azure: Microsoft has made its cloud computing platform available to NERD. Let us know your idea for leveraging it.